BHM237.38WN X/CHI WN DEN251.33USD488.71END
If you do not plan to travel on your flight: In accordance
with Southwest's No-Show Policy, if you are not planning
to travel on any portion of this itinerary, please cancel
your reservation at least 10 minutes prior to the
scheduled departure time of your flight. Any Customer who
fails to cancel reservations for a Wanna Get Away® or
Wanna Get Away Plus™ fare segment at least ten (10)
minutes prior to the scheduled departure time and who does
not board the flight will be considered a no-show, and all
remaining unused Wanna Get Away or Wanna Get Away Plus
funds will be forfeited. All remaining unused Business
Select® or Anytime funds will be converted to a flight
credit. If you no-show for your reward travel reservation,
the points will be redeposited to the purchaser's Rapid
Rewards® account. Any taxes and fees associated with your
reward travel reservation will be held for future use in
the form of a flight credit. Starting July 1, 2023 (12:00
a.m. CT), for Wanna Get Away® or Wanna Get Away Plus™
reward travel reservations (booked with points): If you do
not cancel your reservation at least 10 minutes before the
flight’s original scheduled departure time, any points
used for booking will be forfeited, along with any taxes
and fees associated with your reward travel reservation.
For Anytime or Business Select® reward travel
reservations: the points used for booking will be
redeposited to the purchaser's Rapid Rewards® account, and
any taxes and fees associated with the reward travel
reservation will be converted into a Transferable Flight
Credit™ for future use.
Prohibition on Multiple/Conflicting Reservations: to
promote seat availability for our Customers, Southwest®
prohibits multiple reservations for the same Passenger
departing from the same city on the same date, or any
multiple reservations containing conflicting or
overlapping itineraries (such as departures for the same
Customer from multiple cities at the same time).
Furthermore, without advance notice to the Passenger or
purchaser, Southwest may cancel such reservations, or any
other reservations that it believes, in its sole
discretion, were made without intent to travel. With the
exception of Southwest gift cards, funds from proactively
canceled reservations by Southwest will be returned to the
original form of payment. Reservations paid for with a
Southwest gift card will have the amount applied from the
gift card held as a flight credit for use by the Customer
on a future Southwest Airlines® flight.
*Point Purchase Offer Terms and Conditions
Offer valid through January 31, 2025 11:59:59 p.m. CST.
This discount for the purchase of points is only valid
while a Member is currently logged into Southwest.com® on
this purchase page. Rapid Rewards® Member will save 35%
when they purchase 5,000 points or save 40% when they
purchase 15,000 points or save 45% when they purchase
20,000 points or save 45% when they purchase 25,000
points. A valid credit card is required to buy points.
Transactions are non-refundable and non-reversible.
Purchased points do not count towards A-List, A-List
Preferred, or Companion Pass® qualification. Prices are in
U.S. Dollars and include excise taxes. Please allow up to
72 hours for points to post to the applicable Rapid
Rewards account. All Rapid Rewards rules and regulations
apply and can be found at Southwest.com/rrterms.
Southwest® reserves the right to amend, suspend, or change
the Rapid Rewards program and/or Rapid Rewards program
rules at any time without notice. Rapid Rewards Members do
not acquire property rights in accrued points. The number
of Rapid Rewards points needed for a particular Southwest
flight is set by Southwest and will vary depending on
destination, time, day of travel, demand, fare type, point
redemption rate, and other factors, and is subject to
change at any time until the booking is confirmed.
The email address provided here is only used for
confirmation of your Points purchase and will not alter
the email address currently stored in your Rapid Rewards
Prices are in U.S. Dollars and does not include excise
taxes. Prices for the purchase or gifting of points are
only valid while a Member is currently logged into
Southwest.com and such prices are subject to change.
Purchased points are nonrefundable and nonreversible. All
Rapid Rewards rules and regulations apply and can be found
If you have purchased a refundable fare and choose not to
travel, you must request your refund to the original
payment for within 1 year of ticket issuance.
This is a post-only mailing from Southwest Airlines®.
Please do not attempt to respond to this message. Your
privacy is important to us. Please read our
privacy policy.
Southwest Airlines Co. Notice of Incorporation
Cualquier información publicitaria, promocional o de
mercadotecnia contenida en este correo electrónico sólo
será efectiva y únicamente será aplicable en los Estados
Unidos de América.
Southwest Airlines
2702 Love Field Drive
Dallas, TX 75235
1-800-I-FLY-SWA (1-800-435-9792)
© Copyright 2025 Southwest Airlines Co. All Rights